The Monegasque authorities for the protection of personal data
The Commission de Contrôle des Informations Nominatives (CCIN) is an independent administrative authority founded under the law article number 1.165 of 23 December 1993, amended.
Authority provides in its own right the authorities (recommendations, decisional, regulatory proposals, warnings or indictments).
Administrative acts in the name of the government according to the competences devolved upon the administration delegated to it (such as, control, verification, authorisation).
Independent of the controlled sectors and public authorities, the Commission is not subject to the directives of any authority.
The Members of the Commission
The Commission is composed of six Members who are named for five years. Irrevocably, they cannot receive instructions from any authority. Members of the commission are appointed by Sovereign Ordinance according to the proposal of six authorities or Monegasque institutions as a result of their expertise:
To ensure the independence of the commission, the Sovereign Ordinance number 2.230 that determines the terms and conditions of the amended application, stated in Article 5 that “the quality of the Member of the commission is incompatible with that of:
The commission Members are elected by Sovereign Ordinance as of 10 June 2024.
The President and Vice President of the commission are elected on 3 July 2024 during the first plenary session of the commission.
President of the CCIN
M. Robert Chanas
Vice President of the CCIN
M. Jacques Boisson
Members of the CCIN
M. Philippe Botto
M. Jean-François Cullieyrier
Mme Léa Parienti
M. Jacques Rit
The Members of the Secretary General of the Commission
Secretary General
Agnès Lepaulmier (Investigating official)
Judiciary Division
Clara Alexandrescu (Investigating official), Sarah Bouhedi, Florence Dubosc (Investigating official), Florian Menini (Investigating official), Bastien Pascalone
Data Processing Division
Jean Sisti (Investigating official), Stéphane Rodriguez (Investigating official)
Administrative Division
Emilie Brasiello, Christelle Piccini